
Hemp Bootcamp

Hemp Bootcamp

Jul 19th 2023

What is Hemp Extract?Wondering what all the hype is about Hemp Extract? Not really sure what it is? Not sure how it differs from marijuana? You certainly aren’t alone! Hemp and marijuana are not … read more
9 Reasons Why You Should Take CBD Daily.

9 Reasons Why You Should Take CBD Daily.

Jan 12th 2023

9 Reasons Why You Should Take CBD Daily!Millions of people feel CBD changed their lives for the better, even if they don’t use it for symptom relief. But even if you think you don’t need CBD, preventi … read more
Is CBD Right For Me?

Is CBD Right For Me?

Nov 18th 2022

Although CBD is currently one of the most popular wellness products on the market, due to the lack of mainstream attention it receives, a lot of people have questions about the oil, its effects, and h … read more
NY Times: Benefits of CBD

NY Times: Benefits of CBD

Oct 24th 2022

By Dawn MacKeenOct. 27, 2021The CBD industry is flourishing, conservatively projected to hit $16 billion in the United States by 2025. Already, the plant extract is being added to cheeseburgers, tooth … read more

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DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Most work place drug screens and tests do not delect the presence of  legal natural hemp based constituents. Studies have shown that ingesting Full Spectrum Hemp Extract can cause confirmend positive results when screening urine and blood specimens. Accordingly, if you are subject to any form of employment drug testing or screening, we recommend (as does the United States Armed Services) that you DO NOT take our products. Before taking our products, consult with you healthcare practitioner, drug screening testing company or employer. This website requires you to also be at least 18 years or older to purchase our products.  Military Grade does not sell or distribute any products that are in violation of the United States Controlled Substances Act (US.CSA).